Standard - Color - Transparent green


HARZ Labs resin postprocessing

HARZ Labs resin postprocessing

HARZLabs Psyresin Correct Post-Process Chart.

Proper post-processing of HARZ Labs resin is key to the properties of the printed model. You can learn how to print resin HERE. Curing time depends on the type of resin. For modeling resins, we recommend curing for 10-30 minutes. It is enough that the surface does not stick and the model hardens. To achieve maximum toughness and hardness, the dental resins must be fully cured, a time of 30-60 minutes is recommended.

Print settings for (not only) Harzlabs resins

Print settings for (not only) Harzlabs resins

There is a whole range of stereolithography 3D printers. Therefore, we cannot provide specific recommendations for print modes. So this page contains general tips for setting up 3D printers to work with HARZ Labs resins. The page is divided into several sections, and each section will vary from printer to printer (for example, depending on the strength of the UV source or the thickness of the FEP film).