Heated beds


How to replace and care for PEI foil

How to replace and care for PEI foil

Many printing pads in 3D printers are covered with a layer of PEI material, which is a plastic resistant to high temperatures. Although it is a tough material, it is usually very thin and after a certain number of prints, the PEI film will need to be replaced. This article provides you with an overview of how to care for PEI film, prevent its damage, and also how to replace PEI film if necessary.

3D Printer Bed Adhesion

3D Printer Bed Adhesion

Are your prints not sticking to the mat? Think you've tried everything and the printer will fly out the window? We have a few tips for you that have worked for us in our prototype workshop. There is plenty of advice on how to degrease the mat and then it goes by itself, but we will give you specific tips.