3D Lac - 3D Lac

3D Lac is an adhesive preparation for the treatment of print mats to prevent the printed model from coming off during printing. 3D Lac is available in variants:

  • 3D Lac spray 400 ml
  • 3D Lac spray 100 ml
  • 3D Lac Stick 80 ml

3D Lac in the atomizer is a little more powerful than the bigger one in the spray. It is better applied to the exact place and keeps even more demanding models on the mat.


3D Printer Bed Adhesion

3D Printer Bed Adhesion

Are your prints not sticking to the mat? Think you've tried everything and the printer will fly out the window? We have a few tips for you that have worked for us in our prototype workshop. There is plenty of advice on how to degrease the mat and then it goes by itself, but we will give you specific tips.